Rancho Vista Elementary

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About Us » Principal's Message

Principal's Message





Dear Rancho Vista Parents, 


Welcome to the 2024-25 school year at Rancho Vista! A big welcome to our incoming TK and Kindergarten students and new families. Rancho Vista is a special place and we are excited for you to join our family. For returning families, welcome back! I look forward to hearing all about your summer when your children return to Rancho Vista in the fall. This year, Rancho Vista will continue its signature programs including  Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) and our Math In Focus curriculum will continue to influence instruction based on students’ understanding and mathematical thinking. In language arts, we will continue to use the programs Daily 5 and Café in which students will build independent reading stamina and work in small groups including reading to self, work on writing, reading to someone, listen to reading, and word work. TK through Grade 5 will continue to use our adopted Wonders curriculum. All grades will continue to dive into our Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in providing our children with a forward-thinking and a hands-on learning science experience through our newly adopted StemScopes. These programs, along with many others, are in line with Rancho Vista’s school mission of providing all students with an engaging and challenging learning environment that empowers students to become high achieving, responsible and productive citizens of the world. As you already know, our biggest fundraiser of the year is our direct donation via Rancho Bucks. You will find detailed information about what your donation will fund inside the registration packet. We are looking for 100% participation in Rancho Bucks this year and I strongly encourage each of you to join and donate to our PTA. While the state provides a minimum level of funding for our school, it is truly the PTA and Rancho Bucks which funds the many outstanding programs at Rancho Vista including Art at Your Fingertips, Fieldtrips, the Learning Garden, and so much more. More information to follow. Please check the Rancho Vista school website for more information. 


I look forward to a great year and can’t wait to see all of your children very soon! Let’s Go, Rancho!


Dr. Salvatrice Kuykendall 




Rancho Vista Elementary School